Holy Blossom Temple Prays for the Safe and Swift Return of Three Young Israelis

Rabbi Yael Splansky, Holy Blossom Temple
Rabbi Baruch Frydman-Kohl, Beth Tzedec Congregation
Rabbi Daniel Korobkin, Beth Avraham Yosef of Toronto
Since Friday, Jews all over the world have focused their prayers on the well-being of the three young Israelis who were kidnapped when hitching a ride home from their yeshiva in Gush Etzion.
Israel security forces are working around the clock. What can the rest of us do? The boys’ mothers requested that we pray for their sons’ safe return. More than 25,000 people have gathered at The Kotel. We link our prayers now to the prayers of Jews everywhere and ask that God bring a safe and swift return for:
- Gilad Sha-ar, age 16
- Naftali Frenkel, age 16
- Eyal Yifrach, age 19
As for our brothers, the House of Israel, who may be in distress or captivity, on sea or on land, may God Who Is Everywhere bring compassion upon them. May The Holy One lead them from distress to relief, from darkness to light, from oppression to freedom, speedily and at this hour – and let us say: Amen.
Psalm 121
A Song of Ascents.
I lift up my eyes to the mountains:
From where will my help come?My help comes from the Eternal God,
Maker of heaven and earth.God will not let your foot slip;
your Gurdian will not slumber.Behold, the Guardian of Israel
neither slumbers nor sleeps.The Eternal is your Protector,
the Eternal is the shade at your right hand.The sun will not strike you by day,
nor the moon by night.The Eternal will guard you from all harm,
will protect your soul.The Eternal will guard your going and coming,
from this time forth, and forever.