Holy Blossom Renewal … See Behind the Hoarding!
For this Renewal Project Update, we thought that rather than just report what we’ve been up to these past couple of weeks, it might be more fun to invite you to actually take a look.
When you join us during these High Holy Days, you’ll actually be able to see what’s been going on behind all of the construction fences, walls and hoarding. Our contractor has peeled back a large section of the mesh fence that blocks the entrance off Dewbourne Avenue. For those of you who are attending services in either the Philip Smith Congregational Hall or the Youth Chapel (and entering through the Dewbourne doors), this is a great opportunity to stop for a few moments and peer down into what will soon be our lower foyer. Look over to your left, and up to the main level, and you can imagine our new library and our new café and Judaica shop within the gorgeous, sunlit Atrium.
Also, we anticipate that when services are not being conducted in the current third floor Youth Chapel during the next week or so, you’ll be able to look out and down into the Atrium through a temporary viewing portal that has been cut into the rear, or east, wall of that space. (New windows will be installed into this wall towards the end of Phase One construction.)
On the Ava Road side of the campus, several new viewing ports have been created in both the hoarding and in the covered walkway. From this side you can get a completely different perspective of our Atrium-in-progress (including the back of the Main Sanctuary apse). You can also imagine where the new, main entrance will be along with the lovely, circular staircase that will connect all floors.
We invite you to join Cary Solomon, Chair of our Renewal Project Building Committee, at these Ava Road viewing stations at approximately 1:30 on Yom Kippur afternoon. Cary will be telling construction stories and giving a much more exciting and complete description of our new spaces in progress. We’ll be announcing more details about this event during our High Holy Day services.
When you join us over the course of these next couple of weeks, please take some time to tour the site, study the architectural renderings on display and imagine the exciting future of your Holy Blossom.
Also, in a special edition of Life at Holy Blossom next week, we’ll be sending out our “Aleinu – It is upon us” video, with some inspirational thoughts from Rabbi Splansky on the obligation that each of us shares to our Renewal Project. Watch for it in your in-boxes.
Shana Tova and thank you for your continued readership, viewership and support (financial and otherwise) of our Renewal Project.