Holy Blossom Families with an eye on Bar/Bat Mitzvah celebrations
October 21, 2013
17 Cheshvan 5774.
Dear Holy Blossom Families with an eye on Bar/Bat Mitzvah celebrations,
For a long time now we have been anticipating the day when we could launch our Renewal Project. It is very exciting to be able to now say that we will have “the shovel in the ground” next fall, after Simchat Torah, 5775 (that is, the end of October, 2014). Our congregation has said loud and clear, “We must prepare for future generations.”
Our own children, like yours, are in the stages just pre and post Bar/Bat Mitzvah, so we share your enthusiasm for the good things to come and also some disappointment that the construction schedule may not allow for adequate simcha spaces in the synagogue building to gather for lunch with family, friends, and congregation.
During Phase I (end of October, 2014 to early 2016)
We’d like to reiterate: Our Sanctuary will remain open for our congregational Shabbat services throughout the school year. There will be nearby street parking, safe and wheelchair access to the building, wheelchair accessible washrooms, and space for a simple Kiddush on site.
Luncheon Space — We have reaffirmed that the following off-site venues are ready to receive your call and extend a Shabbat lunch courtesy rate for all families celebrating at Holy Blossom Temple. We have deliberately pursued a range of venues – large and small, all nearby, and one kosher and in walking distance. If you have another venue in mind, we’d be happy to inquire to see if it can be added to this list.
- Eglinton Grand — contact Teresa at 416 485 5900 ext. 401
- Miles Nadel JCC — contact David Fielder 416 924 6211 ext. 111
- Columbus Centre — contact catering office at 647 259 5471
- Beth Tzedec Congregation — contact Florence Bendelac 416 781 3514 ext. 213
- NORTH 44 )º — contact reservations at 416 487-4897 ext. 1
After Phase I
Phase I of our physical Renewal Project is scheduled to be completed within approximately 16 months after construction starts. That means it won’t be long before our beautiful and very large Atrium will be ready to host Bar/Bat Mitzvah guests and our Congregational Kiddush-Lunch.
You may wish to review the newest architectural plans, which we hope will spark your imagination and your enthusiasm for the very good things on the horizon for our congregation. www.holyblossom.org/renewal
To answer any questions you may have for how Renewal Phase I impacts your family simcha, to hear your ideas, and to share with you some of the creative possibilities we are still pursuing, we invite you to join us and other Temple leaders.
We are aware that some families are eager to solidify their plans, so we are offering these just-around-the-corner dates:
- For all Grade 6 Parents – Monday, October 28th from 7:30 – 8:30 pm in the Temple Boardroom
- For all Grade 4 and 5 Parents – Sunday, November 3rd from 11:30 – 12:30 in the Temple Boardroom
- Please RSVP to Hayley McAdam at hmcadam@holyblossom.org or (416) 789-3291 ext. 246.
We do hope you are able to attend the upcoming gathering for a face-to-face conversation with us. If, however, you are unable to attend, you can be in touch with any one of us at any time to share your thoughts. We will continue to connect with you whenever we have new news to share.
Hayley McAdam, who has taken the lead on coordinating the administrative aspects of our Bar/Bat Mitzvah calendar and bookings, is also a great resource for you. She can be reached at hmcadam@holyblossom.org or ext. 246 at the Temple.
In great anticipation,
Tom Friedland, Eric Klein, Yael Splansky,
HBT Renewal Project Bar/Bat Mitzvah Committee Chair Acting Senior Rabbi
Steering Committee Chair