History Whispers; Young Voices Inspire
Yesterday was the 17th of the Tammuz, when the walls of Jerusalem were breached by Rome two thousand years ago. According to the Mishnah (Taanit 4:6) this is also the day when Moses smashed the tablets of the law. It’s a day of things coming undone, leaving us exposed, vulnerable.
With the relentless rockets raining down on Israel we hear the echoes, feel the tremors of Jewish history. It seems the walls have been breached again, leadership is angry, and our people are afraid. History speaks to us. It constantly whispers in our ears and we must listen very carefully; yet we cannot let history haunt us. These days are not those days. Thank God, Israel is strong; the Iron Dome is strong. Diaspora Jewry must also be strong, too, and reinforce a protective wall around Israel in every way we know how. Please click here to show your support.
Inspiration from the Next Generation
I’ve known Daniel Roher since he was a precocious student in Holy Blossom’s Religious School. Now he is an artist and filmmaker. This short documentary, “Kids of the Rocket Sirens” premiered at the Toronto Jewish Film Festival this past May. It’s about life in Sederot. Students, teachers, principal and mayor are shown to be the frontline heroes who never give up on peace. In light of what Israel is facing today, Daniel has decided now is the time to release the film on-line. With his permission I share it with you to watch and share with those who wish to understand. Please click here to watch.
Holy Blossom is blessed with seven years of shinshinim, young Israeli emissaries, who came to live with us, teach us, and inspire us with a love of Israel. A number of our congregant-families have gone to visit our shinshinim in Israel and have maintained the ties through email and Facebook. Yaniv is a medic with the reserves now on the Gaza border. Mai is with the airforce. Alon is with the navy. They inspired us when they were with us at Holy Blossom and at Leo Baeck. Now it’s our turn to show support for them and their families. They’d love to hear from us and our kids.
Two new shinshinim are on their way to join us in August. Welcome Tal and Aviv!
A Concluding Prayer
Sometimes in Jewish life we get to choose the voices we wish to hear. We hear whispers from the recent or ancient past and we listen for the young voices, which point the way to our future. Today I hear the Psalmist saying: “Who is the one whose desire is for life? Who loves the days that he may see goodness therein? …Shun evil and do what is right; seek peace and pursue it.” (Psalm 34:13, 15)
Thank you for posting this important piece. Also, I appreciate the contact information for these wonderful young people who came and touched our lives and our hearts.
We are all praying for peace.
Thanks Rabbi Yael Splansky.