Havaya is coming…
In the next few days your child in Grades 8-10 will receive a mailing from Holy Blossom Temple regarding a new initiative called Havaya. The word Havaya mean experience. This initiative has been developed as a result of hours and hours of listening to parents, and to students regarding their interests and passions through the hard work of the Campaign for Youth Engagement. We have created a program to meet teens individual needs AND give them the opportunity to design their own personal Jewish experience within the Temple community. Havaya is “Senior School” and so much more.
It is best to learn more about Havaya in person. We hope that you and your teen will join us for a kick-off to this program, on Wednesday August 20, 2014 at 7:00 p.m.. There is so much to learn.
If you have already enrolled for Senior School for the coming year, we are honoured and thank you. If you have not yet enrolled and are interested in any aspect of the program, please be in touch with us. We want to speak with your teen and discover together what will attract him/her to HBT.
Best wishes for an enjoyable rest of summer. We continue to pray for peace in Israel.