Grade 6 – October 19 – Hebrew Tali
Welcome again to Tali’s Hebrew grade 6.
It was so good to see everyone yesterday, AND it was so good to welcome our new students. We spent a little time introducing ourselves in a game, and shared some summer fun events. As we have a lot of material to cover and it is almost the end of October, we started with the first lesson that we will learn -The Shabbat Friday night Kiddush. We started reading it and chanting the first 2 lines. I will send everyone the melody. In the meantime, I gave the students a copy of the Kiddush to take home, so that they can practice reading it, the more – the better. Please have them keep it in a folder , as there will be other material along the year. Wishing us all a great year.
Tali Weiss
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