Grade 4/Kitah Bet
Dear Grade 4 parents
What a lovely and busy day! We started by welcoming our new students in the class and reviewed Rosh Hashanah. We learned about Yom Kippur and our individual and collective ways of asking God for forgiveness. Anonymously, the students wrote who they would like to ask for forgiveness. We discussed how hard it is to do and the great feeling we have when we do it. As Jews, we ask forgiveness by fasting and praying; even though our Grade 4 students are a bit young to fast, it is important that they are aware of this concept on Yom Kippur when coming to the Temple.
In Hebrew we reviewed the Alef Bet and the vowels. We read a story for Rosh Hashanah in Hebrew.
The students took home the book: 10 Minutes of Hebrew reading. This book is to stay at home. The homework for this week is bottom of page 4. With only 1 hour of Hebrew a week, it is very important to reinforce the reading at home. It does not take more than a few minutes a week.
Looking ahead: Sukkot and Simchat Torah. We will be decorating the Temple’s Sukkah and learning the rituals and blessings for visiting the Sukkah.
Please mark on your calendar: Simchat Torah, Monday, October 5th at 7:00pm. Every year all HBT teachers walk with the Temple’s Torahs and I always feel proud to include my students and want them to march with me. I would like to invite all my Grade 4 students to come walk with me this year.
Your feedback is always appreciated by email at or by phone at 9055972209.
Come decorate the Temple Sukkah on Sunday Sept 27th at 12:30 pm.