Get Involved with HBT Mitzvah Week!
HBT Mitzvah Week
May 11-16, 2020
Download our Guide to HBT Mitzvah Week!
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TikTok mastermind?
HBT is looking for someone to prepare a video that celebrates all our mitzvot (selfies and short videos of participants’ activities will be sent by email to the filmmaker). The video will be shown following Havdalah services on May 16. Email if this person is you!
Luke Sklar Mental Health Initiative is hosting Folks Telling Jokes to give us an opportunity for laughter on May 11 at 8:00 pm – if you would like to tell a joke, contact Rabbi Goodman at
Card Making – G’milut Chassadim and Bikkur Cholim
Create and send a card to a healthcare worker, a patient in the hospital, or a senior. This project was created by a 9-year-old boy living in Toronto who wanted to spread some well wishes across our city. Participate in his mitzvah project by following the easy steps on the website:
Send a ‘hug’ to family and friends in the mail – G’milut Chasssadim
Here are a couple of ideas of ways you can send a hug to those who you can’t spend time with at the moment. Get creative with whatever art supplies you have at home. Getting a piece of mail always puts a smile on people’s face, especially when it contains love!
Spring Clean up outside
Grab a garbage bag, put on some gloves, and do a little clean up on your street or in your neighbourhood. This is a great way to help our essential city workers, and help the environment!
Support the pollinators!
Make your yard or balcony friendly for birds, butterflies, and bees – see
Make some noise for healthcare workers!
The Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario is calling on us to cheer for our healthcare workers every evening at 7:30 pm. Let’s show our support, as they do so much to take care of the people we love, and to flatten and crush the curve!
Art for Seniors
For artists who are able to create and donate a piece of art to a senior, see
Donate Blood
Make an appointment with Canadian Blood Services
Make Face Masks
There are lots of great ways to make your own face mask with and without the use of a sewing machine. If you have extra fabric at home and want to try on your own, here are a few easy instructions:
- With the Sewing Army –
- For a sewing machine –
- To sew by hand –
If you have fabric to donate, there are several congregants who are making masks in bulk to donate to frontline workers. Contact
Hold a ‘social distance food drive’
Put out signs and set up a bin outside your house. The North York Food Bank is accepting food donations, and are requesting the following items: pasta/rice/grains, canned vegetables, canned tomatoes, canned fish, and cooking oil. Collected items can be dropped off at their warehouse: 116 Industry Street, Toronto M6M 4L8 between 9:00 am and 3:00 pm. Visit their website for more info:
Donate to The Stop Community Food Centre (see They are seeking baby supplies (wipes, diapers, and formula. Size 3-4 are our most requested diaper sizes, but they would take anything), unused personal care products (like hand sanitizer, shampoo, menstrual products, deodorant, toothbrushes, toothpaste, disposable razors) and clean takeout containers with lids. These can be dropped off at 1884 Davenport Road, Monday-Friday 9:00 am-11:00 am and 1:00 pm-3:00 pm.
Virtual Mitzvah Bakers
Wednesday, May 13, 7:00 pm
Any teen who wants to bake muffins together is welcome to participate!
Join us from your kitchen to bake muffins that can be donated to either Ve’ahavta*, or to your own family, friends and neighbours! Collect the ingredients ahead of time from the attached recipes (don’t worry – no flour required!) then meet up ready to bake all together! (please note, each recipe makes 12 muffins. You may double or triple if you want to make more muffins). *Ve’ahavta is currently accepting donations. If you would like to donate your muffins to Ve’ahavta, please contact Lisa to get instructions:
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 884 0451 1123
Password: 437860
Collect donations for Project Abraham
Books, puzzle and game collection (all donations must be in very good condition with all pages and/or pieces) for Project Abraham (see, who works with new Canadians, in particular, Yazidi refugee families). Please separate and label by the following categories:
- Board books: newborn to age 3
- Picture books: ages 3–8
- Colouring and activity books: ages 3–8
- Novelty books: ages 3 and up, depending on the content
- Early, levelled readers: ages 5–9
- First chapter books: ages 7–10
- Middle-grade books: ages 8–12
- Young adult novels: ages 12 and up
- Project Abraham is also looking for donations of cleaning supplies, toiletries (soap, shampoo and toothpaste), olive oil, nuts and dried fruits for the families they support.
To arrange for contactless pick-up and drop off or to volunteer to make deliveries for Project Abrahan, please contact Rabbi Jordan Helfman:
Donate your hair
Long hair (12 inches minimum) can be cut and donated for wig-making for children with cancer to A Child’s Voice Foundation – see Tips for cutting your own hair:
Shop to Share – Help women fleeing homes of violence
Donate groceries and other household items to women who have fled abusive homes, some with children. Many of these women have had to leave quickly and only have limited kitchens with microwave, mini-fridge and perhaps a stovetop so please keep this in mind when shopping or going through your pantry:
Items needed:
- Non-perishable foods: canned goods, cereals, granola bars, shelf-stable milks, instant soups, healthy kids snacks like unsweetened apple sauce and gold fish, pasta, sauce, bread etc
- Perishable food with longer expiry dates and no need for immediate refrigeration: eggs, apples, oranges, bananas, carrots, some cheese, corn, cucumbers, cured meat
- Kitchen essentials: Can openers, reusable cutlery and bowls (flip top lids for storage are perfect).
- Personal items: cosmetics, shampoo, soap, feminine hygiene products, toothpaste, toothbrushes, hairbrushes etc. If you have an extra hair dryer you could donate, that would also be appreciated!
- For kids: new or gently used books, crayons, paper, games and other similar items.
Where and when to drop off?
Open bins will be on the front porch so there is no need to touch anything keeping you safe while helping others. The bins will be picked up and dropped off at a sorting station where the items are handled with gloves and placed in bags, then delivered to the women and in some cases women and their children.
Please drop off items prior to 3:00 pm on Thursday, May 14th to:
- Cindy Berg (Bathurst and St. Clair) – email for exact address
- Tina Urman (Spadina and Strathearn) – email for exact address
Become an advocate for issues that are important to you!
CIJA – see
Download the Global Citizen app or visit their website and take actions
Sign petitions on issues you care about at