HBT Family Mitzvah Day
Sunday, April 27, 2014
this year at Leo Baeck South.
If we could bottle Jewish Values, we’d have something like Family Mitzvah Day.
Bring your children (ages 2-18) for our inter-generational hands-on Mitzvah Extravaganza! Multiple mitzvah stations for multiple worthy causes here, across town, in Israel, and in far-off lands.
Together we’ll open the eyes of our youth to see the world and their place in it a little more clearly.
Leadership development (and community service hours) for our teens. Contact Lisa Isen Baumal to volunteer at lbaumal@holyblossom.org.
We are all walking over to Leo Baeck South together from HBT Religious School at 11:30 a.m. Parents are invited to walk with us or meet us there! Looking forward to experiencing together!