Construction updates (almost) as they happen!
For the week of May 18, 2015.
We are still going full bore on the preparatory work in order to get the School Wing ready to house the Temple’s offices and activities during Phase 1 of Renewal construction.
During this past week, the demolition work in the kitchen on our lower level intensified. Much heavier equipment was brought in to handle the job. The construction crew has also begun the arduous job of removing the floor decks to make way for our brand new elevator.
In the coming weeks, once the lower level demolition is finished, concrete will be poured to form the pit for the elevator. Several cement walls will then be removed on the second and third floors so we can construct the new elevator shaft. Also, our electricians will now be moving on site to begin installing new electrical panels, so that our new temporary offices can be wired.
Just a reminder that this preparatory phase of Renewal has been undertaken to allow daily temple life to remain on site at our beloved 1950 Bathurst Street throughout Phase 1 construction. We do appreciate your patience and flexibility during the construction process as we try our best to keep disruption to a minimum. Please follow our daily progress in pictures and video on the Renewal tab of the Temple’s website and on our Holy Blossom Temple Facebook page.