Cementing The Deal
Friends, have a look at these photos!
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Freshly poured floors are giving shape to our new spaces and we are really beginning to look like the beautiful, renewed Holy Blossom we will soon become!
This past week brought an assembly-line of cement trucks, snaking their way through the Cedarvale neighbourhood, as they delivered cubic yard after cubic yard of product to our site. An army of workers stood by with a massive injection pump, ready to direct the cement where it was needed to form the main floor of our new Atrium and to begin to provide shape to portions of the higher floors. Then, a different crew took over and worked throughout the night to ensure that the cement is finished to the highest possible standard, enabling the rest of the team to later install the required flooring products on top.
The pouring of the floors will allow us to begin to erect the interior walls that will define the layout of the many public venues, offices and sacred spaces, that together make up Phase 1 of our Renewal of Space – our Central Atrium, brand new Family Chapel, Café, Youth Lounge, Judaica Shop, Library, and more … all in a LEED Silver Certified, environmentally-friendly building.
As these take shape we’ll continue to provide you with the latest news and photos in our Life at Holy Blossom updates, but we also encourage you to tune in to our progress anytime, via our 2 live-streaming construction cameras by clicking here.
[green_message] Also, just a reminder that Tuesday December 12th is the first night of Chanukah and we’re dedicating the new cornerstone of our future Atrium. Join us at 7pm, as we light the first candle and rejoice with KlezKonnection, Toronto’s largest Klezmer band, part of this year’s Musical Heritage Concert Series. Dessert reception will follow. [/green_message]
Thank you, as always, for your continued readership, viewership and support (financial and otherwise) of our Renewal Project.