Book Talk with Hirsh Goodman
The Anatomy of Israel’s Survival.
The question “Can Israel survive?” has echoed loud for Israelis – and Jews, their supporters and adversaries…

Our Schwartz/Reisman Centre for Jewish Learning kicks off season
Our Schwartz/Reisman Centre for Jewish Learning kicks off its 2011-2012 season with a myriad of wonderful programs. Please take a moment or two to read through Our New Brochure below.
In particular, please join us for our Schwartz Reisman…

You’re a Member: Now What?
Choose from one of the following:
*Wednesday, September 14, 2011 at 7:30 p.m.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011 at 7:30 p.m.
Sunday, October 30, 2011 at 10:30 a.m.
This learning opportunity will focus on who we are and how to enjoy your membership.…

Holy Chag! Sukkot
Three times a year—on Sukkot, Pesach, and Shavuot—a special opportunity for all our children aged JK through Grade 4 arises.
Children and their families are invited to the congregation-wide Festival service at 10:00am. Immediately…

Teen Shofar Blowing Workshop
Learn How to Blow the Shofar
with Cantor Maissner and Rabbi Thomashow.
Sunday September 11, 2011, from 12:30-1:30.
Sandwiches and Drinks will be served.
No Cost.
For more information or to RSVP by September 9 at Noon…

On Speech and Language As An Animator of Religious Experience:
How To Understand What The High Holy Days Are Saying.
Shabbat Morning Torah Study.
August 13, 20, 27 - September 3, 10, 17, 24 - October 1.
Our study and discussion will explore the origins and development of human speech…

Holy Sprouts! CSA Vegtables, Drumming Circle, Organic Cooking Classes
[video_lightbox video="http://www.youtube.com/v/BFZv1rKCXb8" image="/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/HolySprouts_screenshot2.jpg"]
Get your veggies weekly from The Farmer’s Tables at Holy Blossom.
Join us every Tuesday between 2.30 p.m. and…

Thoughts from Matthew Hacker-Teper, 2011 Confirmand
The following are thoughts from one of our 2011 Confirmands, Matthew Hacker-Teper. We are proud of the accomplishments of the entire class and look forward to all of their continued participation in our Religious School.
Rabbis, Teachers, Friends,…

We welcome our new Shinshinim for 2011-2012.
[video_lightbox video="http://www.youtube.com/v/bSaRGbrPk9E" image="/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/Shinshinim.jpg"]
Or Shalem and Mai Levi will be joining us at the end of August 2011. They, as our past Shinshinim, will join us at Holy Blossom…

I Love Camp George!
[video_lightbox video="http://www.youtube.com/v/Uqk7Rcc5mzE" image="/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/screengrab_campgeorge.jpg"]
Rabbi Splansky and Elana Paice, Temple member and Confirmation Teacher, go ziplining at Camp George. July 5, 2011.