Audio: Our New Senior Rabbi Designate – Monday April 14, 2014
Rabbi Splansky has led our congregation through a trying time of transition. She has provided stability, attracted additional professionals who bring their own strengths to the table and reinvigorated our commitment to Renewal of Space and Spirit. Thanks to the many volunteers and professionals who have joined her, Holy Blossom Temple is now poised to embrace its future. She says: “My recent work has been to stabilize the congregation. Now my task is to mobilize.”
Mazel Tov! With lots of success! This is so exciting for you but also for all of us. I trust you will make a great and generous Senior Rabbi! I am looking forward to your new position. Hope we can chat sometimes! Take care! Elise Cachia
I am thrilled at hearing this great news. Mazel tov Rabbi Splansky. You are loved and respected by our community. How wonderfully fortunate we are to have you as a leader.
Kol hakavod,
Cantor Marshall Loomer
What a wise and wonderful choice that Holy Blossom has made in choosing Rabbi Splansky! I have had the pleasure of listening to her sermons and talks on a number of occasions. Her insights into how to live out Judaism in a faithful way, her thoughtful storytelling, her compassion for others, especially those in need, is so transparently what she is all about. I am convinced that she will be a wonderful Senior Rabbi serving a remarkable congregation and a wider community. Well done, my adopted congregation!
Rabbi Splansky, you make our Temple a place of peace and beauty, of learning and prayer, of celebration and caring, our spiritual home. We look forward to the future with you as our leader.
Mazel tov to Rabbi Splansky it was a wonderful decesion to make–she makes shul a very inviting place where everyone feel comfortable—all the best
Mazal tov to BOTH Rabbi Splansky and to Holy Blossom Temple.One of the most meaningful memories and experiences for me is when I sojourn to Toronto to daven at HBT for second day Rosh Hashanah or Shabbat I am always impressed that Rabbi Splansky not only recognizes me, but warmly addresses me by name. It is always the little moments like this that mean so much.
May you have a fruitful partnership together and may Hashem continue to bless and keep all of you.
Cantor Penny Myers , Temple Beth Zion Buffalo NY