Agenda for Sisterhood 90th Anniversary Celebration
Agenda for Sisterhood Leadership Training And 90th Anniversary Tea.
Join the entire Holy Blossom community as we celebrate our Sisterhood’s 90th anniversary! Please plan on spending it with us, starting with joyful services on Saturday morning, Torah study with a very special guest on Saturday afternoon and a celebratory tea on Sunday afternoon when we will be joined by Sisterhoods from across Toronto for an afternoon of fun.
Saturday June 11:
- 10:30: Shabbat Services
- 12:30: Congregational Kiddush
- 1:00 – 1:30: Dessert with Senior Staff and Temple Board Executive – Boardroom
- 2:00 – 3:00: Torah Study in Boardroom – Blair to lead
- 3:30: Installation Service – Blair and Henrietta – L’Chaim – Sanctuary and Boardroom
- 7:30: Havdallah Service and Dinner – Quince Restaurant – 2110 Yonge Street
Sunday June 12:
- 9:30 – 1:00: Leadership training and light lunch – Boardroom – Blair to lead
- 1:00: Setup for Tea
- 2:30: 90th Anniversary Tea
- 4:30: Philip Smith Hall