A Stagecraft “Thank You”
Our January production of Michael Ryval’s The Last Days of Rachel Samuel enjoyed large audiences and was a critical and financial success for Stagecraft. Thank you to all our audience members, and especially our 21 Patron ticket purchasers! We are happy to announce that refreshment sales were also good, and we have donated nearly $400 to Temple’s Out of the Cold program.
Stagecraft’s winter season continued with a four evening discussion led by Temple member and award winning National Post Drama Critic Robert Cushman with major figures in the local theatre scene including the artistic directors of The Shaw Festival, Jackie Maxwell, and the Canadian Stage Company’s Matthew Jocelyn. All who attended remarked on the quality of the program and depth and breadth of the discussions.
The Angel Capone concluded our season. Directed by Eric Kirsh, this rowdy farce of the 1920’s proved to be a crowd favorite and for the cast, it was a special treat to have the author, David Copelin, in attendance for all performances, supplying his enthusiastic approval to all.