Nov 22 – Grade 3 – Maya
Last Sunday, we were very busy. After singing Hatikvah and went directly to work with the grade 2 class. We worked on the unit of “Mitzvah” and together made Chanukah cards for patients at Baycrest to help them feel better Chanukah.
We were lucky to have a session with our Shinshinim, Bar and Noam. They shared with us significant places and symbols in and of Israel. We learned by playing a matching game.
During Hebrew we reviewed the Chanukah story and discussed the two miracles (the oil lasting for 8 days and the victory of the Maccabees). We reviewed our letters and vowels and introduced the new vowel “Chirik” and the key word was “Mitzvah”. Please review the Hebrew reading on the website:
Next week, we will work on lesson # 9, ”Ayin” as in “Shema”.
Please note that next week Sunday, November 29, 2015 you are invited you to join us at 9:30a.m for a special family program; learning together about the significant of Candles in Judaism. We will make something special together.
Looking forward to see you all next Sunday.
KIDS’ MITZVAH CLUB MEETS THIS WEEK! Help your kids become Mitzvah Superstars Sunday, November 29th 11:30 and 12:30 – come after class or KEF!!